Alarm sound upto 90dB (10 cm)
Tamper Circuit
433.92 Mhz
Alert on custom events
Extension for TechniSmart Alarm
Operation wireless via battery or USB
The TECHNISMART indoor siren can be powered by batteries or via a USB cable. The indoor siren integrated with the TECHNISMART alarm sYstem can warn the inhabitants of the house with an alarm sound of up to 90 dB and deter burglars. The alarm can be triggered by various elements of the system, e.g. by a motion sensor or door/window contact. At the same time, the internal siren warns with a pulsating red light. If someone tampers with the indoor siren without authorization, this is reported to the central unit and an alarm is also triggered and a notification appears on the smartphone.
To use the indoor siren, the TECHNISMART Starter Pack CPU (item no. 0100/9560) and the free TECHNISMART App (iOS/Android) are required.
You can integrate the internal siren with the TECHNISMART alarm system by scanning the QR code in the TECHNISMART application.